Leads: Tiffany Hogan, Nicole Patton Terry

Project Introduction
The Learning Disabilities Research Centers (LDRC) are designed to broaden the scientific and practical understanding of learning disabilities and co-occurring conditions. The Learning Disabilities Translational Science Collective (The Collective) is one of two federally funded centers. It is focused on specific learning disabilities in reading and oral language among young children.
Project 3 is designed to better understand and support the implementation of evidence-based assessment practices in schools. Decades of research evidence have informed how to screen, identify, treat, and monitor reading and oral language disabilities. However, it can be difficult to implement these practices in schools. It can be even more challenging in underserved and marginalized communities, where resources to support students with disabilities may be limited. As a result, many students with disabilities do not receive the services they need and continue to have trouble in school and at home. Therefore, Project 3 focuses on early screening and identification of specific learning disabilities in reading and oral language in the early grades.
Project 3 will address 2 specific aims or goals to improve the implementation of evidence-based assessment practices in schools. Researchers will collaborate with educators in both urban and rural schools that reflect the racial, linguistic, and economic diversity of the nation to:
Develop a crosswalk of barriers, facilitators, strategies, and adaptations that is both culturally appropriate and specific to their school and community contexts.
Develop and test professional learning resources for educators.